Edison and The Filament Bulb

"Hell there are no rules…. we're trying to accomplish something!"

-Thomas Alva Edison

Filamen Bulb Pendants with Edison Filament Bulbs

A moment for the father of the Incandescent Filament Bulb

Enter Edison, no Swan...

Turns out Edison isn't the guy. Joseph Swan was the actual inventor behind the filament bulb. Edison modified it to make it more efficient and reliable... that still makes him a smart guy.

Google Banner for Thomas Alva Edison on February 11 2011

And you can't knock Google. They hit it on the head, once again. Click through the .gif straight into a world looking at Edison's work and take a peak at how our world views him, a world constantly in his light.

An interesting perspective, regarding Swan: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/blog/2011/feb/11/thomas-edison-google-doodle

Some other resources:




Happy 164th fine sir! We appreciate the effort.